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Emmeci Service/Retrofit


Market shows a growing need and the opportunity to improve the safety of the systems, with interventions that require low costs and reduced plant downtimes.

Main reasons are:

  • Evolution of the rules.
  • Low residual reliability of the plants.
  • Availability of more reliable solutions.
  • High out-of-service costs.
  • High costs for new plants.
  1. The intervention consists in the realization of the total congruence of the primary and secondary circuits and of the complete functionality of the safety interlocks. All this happens by altering the existing construction as little as possible and updating the state-of-the-art layouts and accessories.
  2. The study starts from the perfect geometrical knowledge of the switch to be replaced, of all constraints related to the interlocks and auxiliary circuits which guarantee operational functionality.


Manutenzione interruttori media tensione - Emmeci Service

Analysis of the switchgear or switch involved in the intervention:

  • Geometry and interlocks.
  • Auxiliary circuits.
Manutenzione interruttori media tensione - Emmeci Service

Definition of improvement interventions and interface project between new switches and panel.

Manutenzione interruttori media tensione - Emmeci Service

Prototype and preliminary tests.

Manutenzione interruttori media tensione - Emmeci Service

Customer approval.

Manutenzione interruttori media tensione - Emmeci Service

Series construction.
